Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whatta Rush!

Wow~is it really over?  I realize it has been 3 weeks since "the big day", but well, we all know how time flies!

So, it wasn't EXACTLY what I expected it to be...but it was still GREAT and I reached a couple of cool milestones.

Transition opened ridiculously early, so on Saturday night I found myself setting my alarm for 2 AM...that's right...2 AM!!  I wanted to give myself plenty of time to double/triple/quadruple check all my gear and get myself put together for the long day.  I left the house at 3 am to meet Caleb and Nicole and head out to Raccoon River...otherwise known as the "Hy-Vee Triathlon"!

As we were setting up we kept hearing rumors that they might have to alter the course because of the weather.  All I heard was that they may shorten the swim so they can get everyone out on the course before the bad weather hit.  I didn't know what kind of weather we were expecting, but I really didn't want to have to swim in the rain and I REALLY REALLY didn't want to ride my bike in the rain.

Finally an announcement was made that the due to a storm front that was supposed to blow in around 7:30, the course was being shortened.  What was supposed to be a 1500m swim, 40k bike ride, 10k run was being cut into a 400m swim, 20k bike ride and 5k run.  I was a little disappointed, because the 400m swim meant that the race was going to end up being shorter than the Copper Creek Triathlon I participated in the week before!  But, at the same time, I was excited and relieved!  I KNEW I could do it!

Couple highlights of each event...well, I've already discussed the main focus of the swim portion in a previous post ;).  The bike ride was exciting because I hit 30 mph on my bike for the first time!  It was awesome!!  The best part of the run was that I finished in under 30 minutes~something I've never accomplished in a 5k before!  I've been close...but never have I finished a 5k with a "2" at the beginning of the finishing number!

I was finishing up the run right as the storm was blowing in.  I literally crossed the finish line to a booming thunderclap that ushered in a downpour!  It was a wet mess!  But I couldn't have felt better!  I DID IT!

Comparing average paces for Copper Creek and Hy-Vee I made improvements in my bike and run in Hy-Vee....my swim pace was a little slower, which is frustrating because once I actually started swimming, I felt great and swam stronger than I did at Copper Creek.

But, my bike pace improved from 16.4 mph ave to 17.1 mph ave and my run improved from 10:40 min/mile to 9:33 min/mile.  Pretty good for one week!

Here are the final official results:
Swim: 13:47
T1: 4:21
Bike: 43:32
T2: 3:15
Run: 29:35

Both of my transitions were longer because of my positioning in transition.  I was on the far end of the transition.  To get on the bike course I had to push my bike thru the pretty much the entire length of transition.  Coming back I had to push my bike again thru the mud and muck of the entire transition area to get back to my spot, get ready for the run and run back thru the mud and muck to get to the run start.  It wasn't an ideal transition location, but what can you do?!

If this journey has taught me anything it is that anything really is possible.  I set a goal, I worked hard, stayed focused and I did it!  It feels incredible!!!

But I couldn't have done it alone.  I had great coaches and friends and cheerleaders and blog readers with me at every step.  Which has made this whole experience that much better!

Thanks to everyone for your support!  Now get out there...set a goal and DO IT!

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