Wednesday, March 10, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

I think of these things often as I am training, not sure if I'll be able to organize them well into a "blog". As I am working out, I try to "live in the moment" at some point. It helps me appreciate why I love doing it, even when it gets hard. Here are some of my favorite moments:

The sounds of my feet pounding the pavement on my runs, especially when I am running outside, on the shoulder of a road, in the gravel.

Watching a pool full of fellow trainers, when everyone is swimming and all you can see are elbows coming out of the water, I can almost hear the Jaws theme music.

Taking a wide turn on a bike.

The crazy, erratic bunnies encountered on my runs, they don't have anywhere to run in our neighborhood, so they just panic and zig zag around. I always think (and sometimes say) "Serpentine, Serpentine!" when I see them. (a reference from the movie Cars, my son's favorite)

One of my favorite running feelings occurs just after my least favorite part of running. When I am going up a big hill, and I am almost there, but hating EVERY minute and then all of a is over, I'm at the top! It is the "over" part, that is my favorite.

The constant splashing pool sounds, especially when the pool is full of other swimmers. This is very different from the deafening sound of a pool full of splashing and screaming children. It is very peaceful.

When I am swimming in the pool and everything is falling into place and then my hand hits the end of the pool and I am totally surprised that I am already at the other end! I am a slow swimmer, so although it happens rarely, I still love it!

And finally, my ALL TIME favorite.....something I've done anytime I've ever been on a bike. When riding, there is moment when all you can hear is the wind in your is a very soothing sound. But, if you turn your head to the side, the COOLEST thing becomes completely SILENT. LOVE IT!

The list could go on, but these are just a few of the things that keep me going, because if I didn't go thru all the tough moments of training, I wouldn't be able to enjoy all my favorite parts!

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