Monday, March 29, 2010

Where did the time go?

I am having a hard time believing I haven't "blogged" since March 10th! Wow, time has really flown by!

Have no fear...while I may have been a slacker when it comes to blogging, I've still be training away. In fact, I have an exciting announcement to make (well, exciting for me).

I logged a PR (personal record) yesterday in the Friendly Son's of St. Patrick 10k (6.2 miles) run.

6.2 strong miles and I finished in under an hour!! 59:58! With an average pace of 9:36/mile! I've never considered myself a "fast" runner...and by many standards a 9:36 average isn't speedy, but it is for me! Best of all, it was challenging, but I felt great during the run and even better after! It was great!!

Wore my Garmin, so every step was gloriously recorded for all to see!

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Friendly Son's of St. Patrick 10k">

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