Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tri Turned Adventure Race?

Well, I participated in my first official Triathlon this past Sunday in Indianola. It was quite an experience and I learned some very valuable lessons....where do I begin?

There were 30 triathletes in this event and thankfully I was toward the back of the group for the swim, so the 300 yards were a breeze...except for the fact that the water was FREEZING....the swim course was 6-50 yard laps in a pool. The swimmers got a 25 yard head start on the person behind them, so it was perfect for me. I never caught the swimmer ahead of me (my faster swimming friend, Nicole), but the swimmer behind me didn't catch it was awesome!

Okay, so I get out of the pool and run down the grassy hill to the transition area. It went a little like this: Dried Feet...put socks/shoes on....clipped on race belt...helmet on and buckled...quick drink of water...grab bike and head to the bike course.

I need to mention that in addition to the triathlon being held for this event, there was also a 5k and 10k race going on. I also need to mention that thankfully I had my Garmin on my bike, so I knew my mileage as I was riding and running.

I get on my bike and was told to follow the ORANGE arrows on the I followed the ORANGE arrows on the road. I became suspicious pretty quickly that I was not where I was supposed to be. The road was really bumpy and it seemed like I was turning every block or so. More importantly, I wasn't seeing anyone else on bikes...but I kept following the orange lines. I was also getting annoyed because I had to slow down at every block to look for an orange line...I kept thinking "Couldn't they have posted arrow signs!".

Finally after the first mile I came up to a couple of race volunteers....I slow down and ask them if I am on the right course they both say "Yep..Yep, just keep going". So I kept going....all by myself.

After about 3 miles I see the start/finish..what? There was a kid directing the 5k runners to the finish and telling the 10k runners to turn right. But what about me? I asked him where I needed to go...he didn't know. Okay, so I turned right, thinking that maybe the bike course veers off somewhere along the way.

Then I start seeing things I've already seen before...I am just looping the 5k course! Finally I see someone on a bike, but they are another block down on a road I have yet to get to. I come up on the same 2 fellas that told me I was going the right way and I ask them again "Am I supposed to just keep looping this course?" Which I know is not right because if that were the case I would definitely be with other riders.

This time one of the guys says "Yep, just keep on going" and the other guy says "I don't know...I've been seeing people on bikes on that street". The above mentioned street one block away. GRR!

I cut back to the start/finish with 5.5 miles logged and ask what is going on? I am told that almost everyone has had problems with the course and most are just getting off their bikes and starting the run. But this is my only tri before Hy-Vee...and I wanted to get the 12+ mile bike ride in. I then find out that I was supposed to be following a YELLOW line, not an orange line.

I go back to where I started and low and behold, a block before the orange line is a yellow line! I turn left and am officially on the bike course..finally!

Wow...what a difference that made, the bike course was in newer neighborhoods which meant smoother roads and I was actually able to get some decent speed because I wasn't turning all the time! Oh, and guess what? Not only were there arrows on the road, but SIGNS posted too, so I wasn't searching the road at every intersection for a turn!!!

Well, I was probably 6 miles or so in before I saw the first volunteer. I stopped and asked to see a map...I wanted to get my 12 miles in, not end up riding the full bike course in addition to the 5 miles I had already ridden. At this point we must have still been on the 10k run course too, because there were yellow and orange arrows on the ground. The super helpful volunteer reminded me that the bikes were supposed to follow the ORANGE lines....oh we go again! I said "No, I was told to follow the YELLOW lines". He called to verify and found out he had been telling people wrong the whole time.

Okay, so back on the course, and I finally start seeing a couple of people on bikes..on the same street as ME. Yay, I really AM going the right way! I stopped one more time for directions and realized that we're supposed to ride the bike course twice, which was going to work out great for me because that meant I just needed to finish the first lap and be pretty close to the mileage.

Meanwhile, back at the start/finish it apparently started going around that I may or may not be lost somewhere in Indianola. With about a mile to go, a straight shot to the finish I was joined by Kerrie, a fellow aTc (Altoona Triathlon Club) member and veteran triathlete turned search party rescuer! She rode with me thru the finish and I finally made it back to the transition area to begin my run. I ended my bike ride with 12.26 miles logged.

2nd Transition looked a little like this: Drop off bike...take off helmet...put on hat...turn race number around...drink of water and I was off.

The least favorite part of the run for me was the fact that I left the transition area and had to head UPHILL, turn and UPHILL again. That was diabolical! I made it on my knee for about the first mile and a half and it started hurting a little. I walked a little bit and started running again...had to walk a couple more times, but still felt great...and finished the 5k in about 31 minutes.  Overall, I finished the entire course in 1 hour 38 minutes.

And with was official. I am now a TRIATHLETE!!! All things considered, I was really happy and I felt great! I am pretty excited about Hy-Vee now! I am now going to spend the next 17 days swimming and riding. I know my knee won't hold up for a 6 mile run at the end, but I'll run as far as I can and walk when I need to and be perfectly happy about it. I need to focus on what I can do...I haven't been able to get too many miles in on the bike, but am surprised how much stronger and faster I am after every ride! I can't wait to put it all out there and finish what I started!!!

Wow~sorry for such a long post, it was a long story! Please forgive any errors in spelling or grammar...I tried to check myself as I typed, but I might have missed some stuff!

Oh yeah...most valuable lesson learned:  Know the course...carry a course map!  

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so great Nicole, and this inside view of your journey is amazing ;) Keep it up! See you at Hy Vee :D

    Loves- Nicole #2
