Monday, May 10, 2010

Where has this been my whole life?

So, I tried something new today. Went to spin class this morning at 9:15, this was my first "official" cycle workout since the knee injury and I am happy to say it held up pretty well. The knee was a little "achy" toward the end, but no debilitating pain, so that was good!

Much of the cause of my injury was due to tightness in my hamstrings and quads, so I've been trying to stretch everyday and I really think it has helped. With that being said, I noticed that there was a Yoga class scheduled to begin right after spin, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I've tried yoga in the past, but it was mostly just at home stuff, and if you've ever tried working out at home to a video and you're like me, it just isn't the same...I need the extra accountability of people (presumably) staring at me if I wimp out after 5 minutes!

Back to the I go, I follow the lead of everyone else and grab a mat, some stretchy bands, a "strap" of some kind and two purple blocks. I will say, I have 2 of those blocks at home, but I don't think they've ever been used for yoga....honestly, I think they are in the kids toy box as I type!

I am a "front" of the class type of person, so there I am, right in the front and thankfully the instructor introduced the newbies (me included) to the class...I feel like that is a "free pass" to look like an idiot, but it usually only works the one time, so I knew I had to pay attention if I planned to ever return to the class.

So we get going and WOW~ not only was I not the most un-coordinated person in the class, but I might have been among the most coordinated. Before I knew it I was doing the hardest poses with ease! Apparently I have exceptional balance (despite falling off my bike that one time) and I am flexible! It was great. I felt great after class, all stretched out and I might have even grown a couple of inches.

Now, before you start judging me for my bragging, I just want to point out that this is probably one of the first times in my life that I have found something that I seem to be a "natural" at...most of the times when I try something new I have to work twice as hard to do half as good as everyone else. Which is fine, it is good motivation for me. Most of the time the reason WHY I do something is because at one time I would have thought it impossible for me to do...I just want to prove myself wrong (stubborn Italian blood, perhaps?).

Finally I found something that isn't such a struggle! I only hope it wasn't "beginners luck"!

P.S~I have lots of stuff to blog about this week...look for my 2nd Max Muscle Nutrition Plan results soon!

P.S.S~I am having a fund raising Pampered Chef party on Tuesday @ 7 pm~ A portion of the sales will go to my fund raising goal!! Send me a message if you'd like to come, or you can order online here:

(for some reason I can't get the link to work right, so you'll have to copy the link and paste it in your browser :) sorry!)

Have a great Monday! And try something new this week, you never might find out you're "a natural" at something too!

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