Monday, May 3, 2010

On The Mend

Taking time off to rest is not fun. Visited the chiropractor again Friday and got in a little trouble because apparently my definition of "resting" wasn't realistic for my healing. Boo.

I spent the weekend taking it easy on my knee. And guess what? It is starting to feel better (imagine that!).

Today I taught a kickboxing class with almost no pain, even though my kicks weren't nearly as high as they should have been. But, it felt good to at least get to sweat again!

I am going to spend this week in the pool, which is probably good anyway because I didn't swim at all last week. I really need to work on speeding up the turnover in my stroke...I am still pretty pokey as far as that goes.

I have a 3 mile mud run on Saturday that I really want to be able to do, the good news for that one is that the slower I go the more muddy I'll get and in the end that is really the point, right?!?!

Well, it is off to the pool for me! Keep speedy recovery for my knee in your thoughts and prayers!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling your pain. My idea of rest and the medical profession's idea of rest are very different.

    The pool will be good for you and your knee.

