Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Steps

Okay....well, the good news is that the first swim workout is over with. 45 minutes of purposeful swimming is TOUGH!! We basically just worked on kicking and then we did some stroke work. My biggest challenge is definitely going to be getting the breathing down, there is so much to remember at once. The worst was when my breathing got off and I'd get a mouthful of water instead of air, it was almost enough to send me into a panic attack!!

I was planning on going to Farrell's after the swim to help the 6 am class thru their first lower body bands class of the new session, but I was WIPED out! I will have to plan on a post-workout snack for next time for sure!

Although it was difficult, I did feel I made progress by the end of the workout and I am looking forward to the challenge. Unfortunately I can't wear my bodybugg for swimming, so I can't get a handle on how many calories I burned, that is going to be a tough adjustment for me. I've gotten so used to using the bodybugg to rate my effort in a workout. I guess I'll have to find another method.

My training partners all did great too! I can't wait to see us all progress in the coming months. It is great to be going thru this journey with other people, I know I wouldn't be able to do it by myself!!

I probably won't run tonight, but tomorrow will find me on the treadmill at 5am before going to FXB and then doing a 50 minute spin class tomorrow night.

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