Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmas Morning all over again....

The ground is still blanketed with snow, but we decided to venture out for our first outside run in probably over a month. Did I mention that I am also training for the Oklahoma City 1/2 marathon in April....well, today the training officially began with a 4 mile run. I've been running 3-5 miles several days a week, but running on a treadmill is nothing compared to running outside. I new it would be tough, but I was excited to get out there and do it.

The trail we ran (Nicole and Caleb were with me too) wasn't totally cleared of snow and ice, so it was pretty slow going. The first 5 minutes were the worst for me....I was cold and my face hurt and I was afraid I was going to fall. But after that it was great! Challenging, as I knew it would be, but still great! I really LOVE running in the cold, after that initial chill wears off!

Can't wait to get out there and do it again!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Nicole (all week)!! So proud of you! :0)
