Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Spin class tonight was AWESOME!

Why is that a breakthrough you may ask? Well....I have a confession to make, but listen carefully because I am going to whisper...

"I don't like spin classes".....whew, glad I got that off my chest.

I've been doing 1-2 spin classes a week for the past month or so and while I appreciated that the classes are an important part of my training, I didn't particularly like them. I can't really explain why except for maybe the fact that I lived out in the country as a child and I spent a lot of that time on a bike riding on hilly, country roads. For me, spin class is to biking as a tootsie roll is to chocolate....a poor're not getting one past me little spin bike.

Prior to tonight spin class was a good workout, my legs burned and I felt little glimpses of adrenaline during certain parts of class, but nothing compared to a kickboxing class or a great run.

That all changed tonight. Everything fell right into place tonight. I felt strong and fast thru the whole was AMAZING!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the next class will be just as great. But for now, I will just relax and bask in the glory of a great workout!


  1. Good to hear you keep getting stronger!!!!!!

    Keep it up, you my 100% support.

    Love you!!
