Thursday, February 11, 2010

Growing up

Almost exactly one month ago I posted Baby Steps about my swim workouts. I struggled to finish one continuous lap without floundering.

Today, a breakthrough. We did an 250 yard (that is 5 WHOLE laps) interval workout. Workout went as follows:

Warm Up: 250 yards

250 yard steady swim

250 yard pull swim* get the picture

*"Pull" swimming utilizes a pull buoy, which is basically 2 pieces of foam that you put between your legs so your legs float and you are basically just using your arms to swim.

I started off slow and had to take a potty break halfway thru, but I am PROUD to say I was able to complete 5 full intervals this morning. In one month I have accomplished what I thought was impossible and more...not only completing one whole lap, but 4 at a time x5 times (Actually, 7 counting the warm up and cool down).

I could have kept going, but just ran out of time.

Not surprisingly, I have found that it has been my mind that has been the biggest obstacle to overcome in swimming. There was a point during every interval where my mind wanted to quit. Then I would ask myself "Exactly why do I think I need to quit?" The answer was never more than "Because I've never done this before, it might not be possible".

I went thru the same exact mental block last year when I started to run and it sounded a little something like this: "I have never ran for this long before, maybe I should stop" "Why? Are you hurting?" "Well, no" "KEEP GOING!!!"

And I did.....then and now!

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