Thursday, February 18, 2010

New reason to love running....

Ran outside tonight...I can't wait until it is nice enough for outside running everyday!

While I was running, after the initial "YAY! I'm running outside!" euphoria wore off a little bit I had the strangest feeling. I couldn't put my finger on it right away but after a few minutes I realized what it was.

I didn't have to think about "how to run" while I was running.

That might sound strange, but a month of swimming has really made me appreciate the ease of running.

While I am swimming, I am constantly thinking about swimming....focusing on my breathing, are my elbows up as my arm comes out of the water?, making sure my hand enters the water in the right spot, turning my hips over with every stroke, is my kicking regular?, was that my 3rd lap or my second? please, let it have been the 3rd!...on and on and on!

Running is so much easier....I am hoping that all those thoughts will eventually just fall away as I become a stronger swimmer (every day!), but I don't remember having to "think" so much about running when I first started.

I guess you really do learn something new everyday, especially when training for a triathlon!

P.S.~Eating is still going well, despite my intense desire for Papa Giorgio's pizza tonight, but Jeff wouldn't budge (GRRRR).....Still not thanking you for that one, dear...JUST SO YA KNOW! ;)

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